
These docs assume familiarity with the API docs for, which provide most of the details for endpoints, parameters etc.


>>> from signupto import Client, HashAuthorization
>>> c = Client(auth=HashAuthorization(company_id=1234, user_id=4567,
...                                   api_key='e4cf7fe3b764a18c04f6792c09e3325d'))
>>> c.subscription.get(list_id=7890).data

[{u'cdate': 1374769049,
  u'confirmationredirect': u'',
  u'confirmed': True,
  u'id': 36154421,
  u'list_id': 7890,
  u'mdate': 1374769049,
  u'source': u'import',
  u'subscriber_id': 9180894},
 {u'cdate': 1374769049,
  u'confirmationredirect': u'',
  u'confirmed': True,
  u'id': 13654428,
  u'list_id': 7890,
  u'mdate': 1374769040,
  u'source': u'import',
  u'subscriber_id': 9186895}]


Hash authorization:

>>> from signupto import Client, HashAuthorization
>>> c = Client(auth=HashAuthorization(company_id=1234, user_id=4567,
...                                   api_key='e4cf7fe3b764a18c04f6792c09e3325d'))

Token authorization:

>>> from signupto import Client, TokenAuthorization
>>> c = Client(auth=TokenAuthorization(username='joe', password='my_secret'))

This will do an unauthenticated API call to get the token, which will be used in subsequent API calls. If you want to get the actual token returned, along with the expiry timestamp, for storage and re-use, they can be found as attributes on the TokenAuthorization instance, after it has been passed to the Client constructor:

>>> token_auth = TokenAuthorization(username='joe', password='my_secret')
>>> c = Client(auth=token_auth)
>>> token, expiry = token_auth.token, token_auth.expiry

And then to re-use later:

>>> token_auth_2 = TokenAuthorization()
>>> token_auth_2.token = token
>>> token_auth_2.initialized = True
>>> c = Client(auth=token_auth_2)

API calls

Client instances have attributes representing all the resources/endpoints. The spelling of the attribute is the same as the path for the endpoint e.g. subscription, clickAutomation.

class signupto.client.Endpoint[source]

Each endpoint then has methods for the HTTP verbs: get(), post(), put(), delete() and head().

Parameters to the endpoint are passed as keyword arguments to these methods.

Endpoints and their parameters are described in the docs here:

These methods return a SignuptoResponse object, which contains the ‘response’ attribute of the API call, that is, an object with these attributes:

  • data - the data returned by the API call, converted to native Python objects e.g. a Python dictionary containing list information, or an array. The signupto library does not convert the data beyond converting into native Python types.
  • next - value representing the resource following the last returned resource.
  • count - the number of resources returned.

Usually you will just need the data attribute. See for more information.


>>>, subscriber_id=4567)

SignuptoResponse(data={u'confirmed': False, u'mdate': 1384265219,
                       u'confirmationredirect': u'', u'subscriber_id': 4567,
                       u'source': u'api', u'cdate': 1384265219, u'list_id': 1234,
                       u'id': 19486109}, next=None, count=1)

The head() method works similarly to the other methods. However as there is no response dictionary for HEAD verbs, the head() method does not return a SignuptoResponse, but instead returns None. It will raise an error like the other calls for HTTP codes in 4XX range.


Errors returned by the server in the 5XX range will raise signupto.ServerError.

Errors returned by the server in the 4XX range will raise signupto.ClientError. For example:

>>> c = Client(auth=HashAuthorization(company_id=1234, user_id=4567,
...                                   api_key='oops'))
>>> c.list.get()

ClientError: {u'message': u'Bad signature:
9ec621a4c27dcb28bdb2148f1475f990f7adfbd6', u'code': 401, u'subcode': None,
u'additional_information': u'GET /v0/list\\r\\nDate: Tue, 12 Nov 2013
14:24:58 GMT\\r\\nX-SuT-CID: 28711\\r\\nX-SuT-UID: 6235\\r\\nX-SuT-Nonce:

The dictionary is stored on the exception object in the attribute error_info.

When the error has code 404, indicating something not found, a subclass of ClientError, ObjectNotFound, is used instead. This can be especially useful when you are applying filters such that there are no matching objects, which is often not an error condition for your application, so needs to be handled differently:

from signupto import ObjectNotFound

    unconfirmed = c.subscription.get(list_id=1234, confirmed=False).data
except ObjectNotFound:
    unconfirmed = []

Alternatively you can use the convenience methods below:

Convenience methods

class signupto.client.Endpoint[source]

This is similar to the get() method, except that it will catch 404 errors, and convert them to an empty list. As a consequence, it never returns a full SignuptoResponse object, but just the data (i.e. or an empty list).


This is similar to get_list(), but it will repeatedly follow the next parameter in order to get the full list of items.


This is similar to delete(), but will catch 404 error, so that you do not get an error if you delete something that doesn’t exist. As a consequence, the return value is just the data attribute.

>>> c.list.delete_any(id=1234)
[{u'id': 1234}]
>>> c.list.delete_any(id=1234)